Questing Software Apps

Roll Initiative 1.1
NOTICE ABOUT THE LACK OF UPDATES:As you can notice the app hasn't been updated in a long time.Icreated Roll Initiative to learn Android development and to useitmyself as I too am a fan of pen & paper RPGs. Since thelasttime I updated the app Android has seen many changes andupdatesand because of that the app can present strange behavior insomecases.Unfortunately right now I don't have the time to update theappwith bug fixes or new features. Until further notice this appisconsidered discontinued. This may change in the future, Imayeither resume updates or create a new and improved app.Thank you for using the app - your support has provided mewithknowledge about developing for Android and for mobile platformsingeneral and for that I'm grateful.Hope to see you in future and better apps.==========Roll Initiative is the combat order manager fortabletopRPG’s.If you are a dungeon master, game master, storyteller oranyother kind of “host” for roleplaying game sessions youcertainlystruggled at least once to keep your initiative order.Maybe yourcombat involved to many players and NPCs, maybe thenumber ofspells or effects, each one with diferent durations, wasto muchfor you, the fact is that every game host has at least oncemade amistake that cost the life of one of his NPCs or worse, oneof hisplayer’s character.Even if you are very well organized and never made amistake,keeping everything noted on a piece of paper can be a pain.Everynew combat you have to write down each player and NPCwithinitiative order and hit points and during combat you havetoconstantly change those numbers until the eraser makes a holeonthe paper.Roll Initiative is a very simple and intuitive tool tosolvethose problems, and all you need is an Android phone.Those are the current features of Roll Initiative- Optimized for honeycomb tablets and Android 1.6 –2.3phones- Simple interface to add as many combat participants you want,eachone with its own initiative value and hit point total.- Persistent list, exit the aplication any time you want and itwillbe exactly as you left it when you return.- Participants will be ordered by initiative value, highesttolowest. Press “Next” and the list cycles, making it easy toknowwho’s next in combat order.- Edit individual initiatives and have the program reorder thelistfor you.- Add several NPCs that share the same initiative and hitpointswith just one click and then manage each NPCseparately.- Cause damage or heal individual participants to keep track ofhitpoints.- Add magical or special effects and keep track of how manyturnseach one lasts, Roll Initiative will warn you when an effecthasended.New features will be added in the future, always keepingthespirit of a simple and fast tool for RPG players andmasters.Notice about bug reports.If you find a bug, please report it so we can fix it as soonaspossible. If it doesn't work on your device, please senddevicemodel and configuration so we can look into it.Notice about ads.This tool is supported by ads. If you like it pleaseconsidervisiting one of our sponsors, it helps a lot and will keeptheupdates comming.